INTOCADS Laboratory

Laboratorio INTOCADS INTelligent Optimized Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems for bioengineers Referente: Prof. Vitoantonio Bevilacqua Le principali risorse del laboratorio INTOCADS (INTelligent Optimized Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems for bioengineers) includono l’infrastruttura

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BRIEF Biorobotics Research and Innovation Engineering Facilities Bando: Infrastrutture di Ricerca – PNRR Partners: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Politecnico di Bari, Università degli Studi di Napoli

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ARTS Laboratory

Laboratorio ARTS Advanced Robotics and Tools for Surgery Referente: Prof. Vitoantonio Bevilacqua Il laboratorio ARTS (Advanced Robotics and Tools for Surgery) ha come obiettivo quello

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ISMI4PM Laboratory

Laboratorio ISMI4PM Intelligent Systems and Medical Informatics for Precision Medicine Laboratory Referente: Prof. Antonio Brunetti Il laboratorio ISMI4PM (Intelligent Systems and Medical Informatics for Precision

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BIOROB Laboratory

Laboratorio BIOROB Biomedical Robotics Referente: Prof. Stefano Mazzoleni Il laboratorio BIOROB (BIOmedical ROBotics) includerà un sistema completo per lo sviluppo di strumenti e applicazioni nell’ambito

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